Al. Knyght, Talent Liaison, a young man of musical drive was born in Alexandria, VA alongside with the condition of Albinism. He was thought to have been different but authenticity was always the answer for him. At the age of 8 he started writing which led him on the road to begin rapping the year 2010.  He is influenced by his parent's who introduced all types of music to him and his father made him realize the music career was right for him. He is also influenced by the artists Michael Jackson, Eminem, and Drake.   He started performing in the year 2012 which drove him to other opportunities to perform live along the way. Dee Gunnz's craft consists of pleasing, real, and original tunes that portray his life and imagination.He wants his fans to understand him and to remember that hip-hop is a fun/artistic way to express yourself. His mission is to touch the world and make a difference in someone's life.